Achievement Haunter was a web series developed by the American Production Company, Rooster Teeth. The series follows several members of the ‘Achievement Hunter’ team as they attempt to contact paranormal and spiritual entities in famous haunted locations. Within each episode, historical re-enactments are filmed to give context of the location as well as the ‘ghosts’ they are attempting to contact.
With a small team to work with, I was able to produce several styled sets within the constraints of working within a Heritage Listed building. Although several props had been pre-built by the series Designer and shipped to Australia, I was given the opportunity to take these original concepts and further develop them to work within the setting of the Melbourne Gaol.
The Re-enactment scenes were designed to put a comedic spin on the history lesson told about the location. The use of vibrant colours, soft props and dressing were used to contrast the dark and brutalist setting of the gaol with the upbeat story-telling throughout the segment.